Monday, August 30, 2010

School has begun

Another school year has begun, just glad is is not me... My baby Caleb is starting big ole 7th grade, so far he loves it, now I'll be asking him that question around April of next year and see what he says then... One good thing with Caleb in school, Clyde at work, I can finally get my routine back. I'm hoping to squeeze in going to the YMCA to hop on some machines to help get my AC1 back down & lose some more "baby weight" ( I call it that cause I didn't get like this till I had kids, it is all their fault I tell you!!!) finish up my house work in the am to leave the afternoons for sewing/quilting/rug hooking/doll making or whatever I want to play with in my sewing room. Things just run a little more smoother when they are gone for the day, plus then I can spend the evenings with them doing fun stuff.

I've been busy here canning dill and garlic dill pickles. Plus salsa & tomato juice here at the home front. I'm pretty much done with that project, Yea me!!!. It sure does help out on our grocery bill, we go through a lot of salsa/chips, soups in the winter time, Now if I could just find a way to get me some microwaved or regular popcorn cheaper, I'd be set for winter, let the snow fly!! I started baking some breads ( banana today) to freeze for the winter time, plus I'm getting me a new upright freezer next week, I'm so excited~~. Next week we'll be shredding some more zucchini for breads and cookies.

Since Christmas will be here before we know it, I'd better get started on some sewing/quilting just not sure what yet. I'm soo last minute. Anyone gotten started on Christmas gifts yet??

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