Well are you ready for the next step??? I hope all is going well. :) So here we go, now remember which of your fabric is #1 ( Background) #2 ( Medium or accent to focus fabric) #3 (Focus Fabric). Which is very important not to get them mixed up. Let's Begin
*** Remember all strips are cut the width of the fabric, 42-45" Wide****
Fabric #1 ( Background) Cut five 4 1/8" wide. Then cut those 5 strips into 48 4 1/8" squares. Cut those squares twice, diagonally, to make four quarter-square triangles from each square. To get a total of 192 triangles. See the picture.
Fabric #1 ( Background) Cut Two 2 3/8" Strips. Cut these strips into 32 2 3/8" squares. Cut these squares once, diagonally, to make two half square triangles from each square. To get a total of 64 triangles. See the picture.
Fabric #2 ( Medium, Accent to focus fabric)
Cut Four 2 1/2" strips. Cut these strips into 64 2 1/2" squares.
Fabric #3 ( Focus Fabric)
Cut two 6 1/2 strips. Cut these strips into thirty two 2 1/2 x 6 1/2" rectangles.
NOw the fun part putting these babies together.
Step #1 Sew a quarter square triangle fabric (fabric #1) to the two ends of each of the thirty two Retangles ( Fabric #3) ** Make sure you put the triangles the way they are positioned in the picture shown Press seam allowances toward the rectangle. TIP: When placing the triangle in position the tip will extend 3/8" beyound the rectangle at the bottom. Don't ease this in and try to make it match at the seam line, doing so robs part of the seam allowance from the next seam.
Step #2
Sew the remaining quarter square triangles ( fabric #1), to two opposite sides of the sixty four squares ( Fabric #2) Align them as shown in the picture. Press seam allowances towards the triangles. Next Sew a half square triangle ( fabric #1) to each of the above 64 units on the bottom as shown in the picture. Press seam allowance towards the triangle. 
Step # 3 You need to get those units from the previous Steps we done last week. , so go get them. Sew half of the triangle units from above step #2 to the Units from last week. You will need to make thirty two of these. They are shown in the picture below. Press the seam allowances in the direction shown by the arrow.
The last part of this you will use the remaining units from step #2 and #1 to make thirty two sections like the one in the picture below. Press the seam allowances in the direction show by the arrow.
That's it for now, next week we will finish up only two more steps left and you will have a completed quilt top for yourself or gift. I hope to see some gorgeous picture when they are all put together.
Email me with any questions. I hope the pictures help you out & I'm writing directions as clear as mud so to speak. Remember to post your name and if your friends are joining in make sure they include your name in the comment section to get in the jar of name for a drawing of some cool free stuff. I'm still putting things in the box as I'm out shopping. Happy Quilting~~~
Many Blessings~~~